Join VASA/Renew TAD


2024 TADs go on sale December 15, 2023.



Joining VASA or Renewing your TAD is easy.

Preview trail system and application help info below, then click the link to purchase TAD (Trail Access Decal)


We work with Polaris Ride Command to provide up to date trail info. 

It is free app you can view on your tablet/PC and your phone for real time navigation. 

The app will allow to you preview trails system before committing to purchasing a TAD.


 *Links to purchase a TAD, transfer an existing TAD or purchase a Club Only Membership at the bottom of this page.

 Red Button for TAD purchase

 Yellow Button for Transferring current TAD to replacement machine

 Blue Button for Club Only membership



What is a TAD and why do I need one?


By Vermont statute you must have written permission to cross every landowners property along the trail system. To avoid each rider from having to go to each landowner for permission the statue has a provision allowing you to join a club that has landowner permissions, which in turn is part of VASA enabling you to legally ride the trail system using a TAD (Trail Access Decal).


What do I need to get a TAD?


To obtain a TAD you must show clear visual proof that you have a current state issued ATV registration.

The DMV form must clearly show the following four things.

1.       The vehicle is registered as an ATV/UTV/OHRV.

2.       The registered owners name and address.

3.       The plate/sticker number (some states only issue stickers vs plate) *temp or temporary does not quality as a plate number

          **If your dealer did not provide you with a plate number you obtain a temporary plate from Vermont DMVs website.

             The link below will take you the new DMV webpage, go to Vehicle Registration and click apply for a Temporary Registration & Plate


4.       Dates showing registration is active/current.


**A current temporary registration is okay provided it shows the four criteria, including plate number.



2024 Trail Access Decals go on sale 12/15/2023 

*2024 TAD valid 01/01/2024-12/31/24    

Please contact the office at 802-477-5075 if you have any questions. Thank you!


2024 Season Pricing:


If you have a Vermont registration everything you need from VASA including your TAD, VASA membership and local club membership.


If you have an out of state registration everything you need from VASA including your TAD, VASA membership and local club membership. 


VASA Trail Access Decals are non-refundable.

The goal of VASA is to provide a trail network that is varied in challenge and experiences,

but we are also not free from Mother Nature and other events that may limit access or even close trails.

Weather can change rapidly, and all networks are monitored for their safe passage.

There is again a no refund with the TAD program even if a network of trails closes, regardless of reason.